Forward Nginx Logs from Droplet to OpenSearch via Fluent Bit

Sep 26, 2024 01:54 PM - 4 months ago 156873


Managing web server logs is basal for maintaining performance, troubleshooting issues, and knowing personification behavior. Nginx generates valuable entree and correction logs. This tutorial will guideline you done installing Fluent Bit connected a Droplet, configuring it to cod Nginx logs, and sending them to DigitalOcean’s Managed OpenSearch for analysis.


Before you start, guarantee you person the pursuing successful place:

  1. A DigitalOcean Droplet/s pinch Nginx webserver installed.
  2. A Managed OpenSeach Cluster.

Step 1 - Installing Fluent Bit

Fluent Bit is an open-source and lightweight log processor and forwarder. It is designed to cod information and logs from various sources, process aliases toggle shape them, and past guardant them to different destinations.

FluentBit tin beryllium installed connected aggregate Platforms for illustration Ubuntu, Debian, RedHat, CentOS by moving the pursuing bid connected your Droplet terminal:

curl | sh

Step 2 - Configuring Fluent Bit to Send Logs to OpenSearch

By default, Fluent Bit configuration files are located successful /etc/fluent-bit/. To guardant logs to OpenSearch, you’ll request to modify the fluent-bit.conf file.

FluentBit Inputs

Fluent Bit provides a scope of input plugins to stitchery log and arena information from various sources. For our usage lawsuit of collecting logs from log files, we will usage the tail input plugin. This plugin is specifically designed to publication information from files, grip log rotation, and watercourse caller entries arsenic they are written to the log files.

Update the fluent-bit.conf record arsenic follows:

[INPUT] sanction tail Tag nginx.access way /var/log/nginx/access.log parser nginx [INPUT] Name tail Tag nginx.error way /var/log/nginx/error.log

For much accusation connected Fluent Bit inputs, mention to this link:

fluentbit already provides a default parser for nginx entree logs.

FluentBit Outputs

Like input plugins, fluentbit provides an output plugin that sends collected and processed logs to different destinations. Since we are sending logs to OpenSearch, let’s make usage of the opensearch output plugin.

[OUTPUT] Name opensearch Match nginx.access Host <OpenSearch_Host> larboard 25060 HTTP_User doadmin HTTP_Passwd <OpenSearch_Password> Index fbit-nginx-access tls On Suppress_Type_Name On [OUTPUT] Name opensearch Match nginx.error Host <OpenSearch_Host> larboard 25060 HTTP_User doadmin HTTP_Passwd <OpenSearch_Password> Index fbit-nginx-error tls On Suppress_Type_Name On

Replace the <OpenSearch_Host> pinch your OpenSearch server’s hostname and <OpenSearch_Password> pinch your OpenSearch password.

Once the configurations are set, commencement fluent spot work by running:

systemctl enable fluent-bit.service systemctl commencement fluent-bit.service systemctl position fluent-bit.service


Check Connectivity

You tin verify that Logstash tin link to OpenSearch by testing connectivity:

curl -u your_username:your_password -X GET "https://your-opensearch-server:25060/_cat/indices?v"

Replace your-OpenSearch-server pinch your OpenSearch server’s hostname, your_username and your_password pinch your OpenSearch credentials.

Data Ingestion

Ensure that information is decently indexed successful OpenSearch:

curl -u your_username:your_password -X GET "http://your-opensearch-server:25060/<your-index-name>/_search?pretty"

Replace your-OpenSearch-server pinch your OpenSearch server’s hostname, your_username and your_password pinch your OpenSearch credentials, and your-index-name pinch the scale name.

Firewall and Network Configuration

Ensure firewall rules and web settings let postulation betwixt Logstash and OpenSearch connected port.

Check Fluent Bit Logs

By default, logs are written to the strategy log.

sudo journalctl -u fluent-bit

Validate Configuration

Ensure the configuration files are syntactically correct.

/opt/fluent-bit/bin/fluent-bit -c /etc/fluent-bit/fluent-bit.conf --dry-run


In this tutorial, we’ve walked done the process of installing and configuring Fluent Bit to cod Nginx logs and guardant them to DigitalOcean’s Managed OpenSearch for analysis. By pursuing these steps, you should now person a streamlined log guidance strategy successful place, allowing you to efficaciously show and analyse your web server logs.

Installation: We installed Fluent Bit connected a Droplet utilizing a elemental curl bid suitable for various platforms.

Configuration: We updated the fluent-bit.conf record to cod Nginx entree and correction logs utilizing the tail input plugin and nonstop them to OpenSearch utilizing the opensearch output plugin.

Service Management: We enabled and started the Fluent Bit work to guarantee it’s moving smoothly.

Troubleshooting: We covered basal troubleshooting steps, including verifying connectivity, checking information ingestion, and reviewing Fluent Bit logs.

With Fluent Bit successfully configured, you’ll beryllium capable to leverage OpenSearch’s powerful hunt and visualization capabilities to summation insights from your Nginx logs.
