Connecticut Couple Accused of $1 Million Lululemon Crime Spree

Nov 25, 2024 10:36 PM - 1 week ago 15926

Imagine Bonnie and Clyde if they were really into athleisure.

Connecticut mates Jadion Richards and Akwele Lawes-Richards person been accused of stealing $1 cardinal worthy of Lululemon products successful the crime spree that targeted the marque nationwide.

The mates was arrested successful Woodbury, Minn., and charged pinch 1 felony count of organized unit theft each. People mag obtained Minnesota tribunal documents that uncover this wasn't the first clip the mates sewage busted for sticky fingers — some were "previously engaged successful patterned unit theft."

According to tribunal documents, they were arrested erstwhile Jadion and an unnamed accomplice stole $5,000 worthy of equipment from a Lululemon shop successful Roseville, Minn. Police searched their edifice room and recovered $50,000 worthy of Lululemon products packed successful 12 suitcases.

Court documents allege that the mates pulled disconnected their strategy successful Minnesota, New York, Colorado, and Utah and that they varied their tactics. Sometimes they would activity together to distract shop labor aliases artifact the position of shop information cameras. Sometimes Richards would bargain something, past spot a sensor successful his container to origin a seeming mendacious siren to spell disconnected while Lawes-Richards walked retired pinch stolen items.

Related: Lululemon Founder Slams Company's 'Diversity and Inclusion'

The 2 were released connected bail and are owed backmost successful tribunal successful December.

In a statement, Tristen Shields, Lululemon's vice president of plus protection, said, "This result continues to underscore our ongoing collaboration pinch rule enforcement and our investments successful precocious technology, squad training and investigative capabilities to combat unit crime and clasp offenders accountable."

Lululemon has struggled pinch targeted organized theft and its prevention. Last summer, Entrepreneur reported connected an incident where 2 Lululemon labor were fired after intervening successful a robbery attempt.

In a statement, the institution explained that the labor were fired for "knowingly violating our zero-tolerance argumentation related to physically engaging pinch the perpetrators which put their lives and the information of our guests and different labor astatine risk."
