Chick-fil-A's Camp for Kids 'Completely Booked,' Critics Call It 'Disturbing'

Jun 18, 2024 01:41 AM - 7 months ago 167191

A Louisiana-based Chick-fil-A location is nether occurrence online for rolling retired a summertime campy for kids that critics opportunity is simply a measurement for nan institution to usage kids for labor.

The Hammond, Louisiana location announced nan campy connected their Facebook page, which offers nine, three-hour sessions wherever attendees will person nan opportunity to get a "behind nan scenes" position of nan soul workings of nan edifice and walk clip pinch "Team Leaders," and, of course, nan beloved Chick-fil-A cattle mascot.

The $35 convention is for campers aged 5 to 12, nan edifice said, and those who be will person a free kids meal, T-shirt, and sanction tag.

Related: Viral Chick-fil-A Employee Quits After Reportedly Being Told to Stop Posting Reviews of nan Food and Drinks

Within a matter of hours, nan edifice revealed that it had sold retired of all sessions and was "completely booked," astir apt owed to nan company's wide popularity.

However, nan consequence online has been little than ideal, pinch galore calling nan campy a "child labour violation" and a "disturbing" concept.

"So group salary you money, and you get free kid labour but telephone it a camp? Sounds legit," 1 personification wrote connected Facebook. "I'm gonna commencement my ain summertime campy wherever parents salary maine money and nan kids travel complete and cleanable my location and yard."

Related: 'An Elite Restaurant': Miami-based Chick-fil-A Offers 3-Day Workweek, Has 100 Percent Management Retention

"Every personification who thinks this is simply a bully thought should beryllium successful jail," different said.

Yet immoderate fans of nan chickenhearted concatenation were successful support of nan camp.

"Sounds for illustration thing nosy for nan kids to spell down nan scenes to spot really they put nan nutrient together and really it useful to beryllium efficient," 1 personification offered.

"Maybe this will thatch immoderate of nan kids work and civility. Your statement is ever pleasant and adjuvant nan measurement a business should be," different instrumentality wrote. "I stake it is nosy for those kids."

Chick-fil-A did not instantly return Entrepreneur's petition for remark but representatives for nan concatenation told TODAY that nan camps do not move a profit, and Team Leaders acting arsenic counselors will not beryllium performing their normal duties during nan campy sessions but will alternatively beryllium engaging successful activities and lessons pinch nan campers.

Related: Chick-fil-A, KFC Add Chicken Pizza to Select Menus, Go Viral

Chick-fil-A restaurants are franchised by section owners who are encouraged to create and rotation retired programs to foster their domiciled successful their section community.

This isn't nan first clip this twelvemonth nan concatenation has made a scatter connected societal media.

In April, a former worker named Miriam Webb went viral connected TikTok for posting nutrient reviews of nan creations she came up pinch for worker meals. She discontinue aft being told she was violating institution argumentation and now makes videos for rivals, including Shake Shack.

There are an estimated 3,000 Chick-fil-A locations operating successful nan U.S. and Canada.
