Blackmagic’s camera app is now available on Android, but there’s a catch

Jun 25, 2024 12:42 AM - 4 months ago 50248

After launching connected nan iPhone past September, nan robust Blackmagic Camera app is disposable connected Android devices today, pinch nan aforesaid professional-grade shooting features and compatibility pinch Blackmagic Design’s different video accumulation pipeline tools.

“The Blackmagic Camera app for iPhone has been incredibly celebrated since it was launched past year,” says Grant Petty, nan company’s CEO. “We are excited to beryllium capable to springiness customers pinch Samsung Galaxy aliases Google Pixel phones nan aforesaid controls for shooting integer movie arsenic our master cameras.”

A Blackmagic Design spokesperson, Terry Frechette, confirmed to The Verge that location is 1 unfortunate limitation to nan Blackmagic Camera app connected Android. The app “can beryllium utilized connected phones moving Android 13 aliases later” but is constricted to nan Samsung Galaxy S23, S24, and Google Pixel 7/8 lineups. The institution besides had nary accusation to stock erstwhile asked if nan app would yet beryllium made disposable connected different Android devices.

The Blackmagic Camera app features an overlaid HUD that makes it easier to quickly entree various shooting settings.

Image: Blackmagic Design

The autochthonal camera apps successful iOS and Android attraction connected simplifying photography pinch streamlined interfaces and a dense reliance connected automation, and while more tin camera apps that cater to master photographers and videographers often travel pinch premium pricing, nan Blackmagic Camera app will stay wholly free connected Android.

The Android type of nan app will besides transportation complete nan aforesaid interface arsenic nan iPhone version, pinch an overlaid heads-up show that shows important shooting accusation specified arsenic attraction and vulnerability that besides provides speedy entree to settings by simply tapping connected items successful nan HUD. The Blackmagic Camera tin besides seizure footage straight to nan company’s unreality service, making it quickly accessible for editing and post-production activity astatine different facility.
