Ben Awad is a 10x Programmer [freeCodeCamp Podcast #120]

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On this week's section of nan podcast, freeCodeCamp laminitis Quincy Larson interviews Ben Awad, a crippled developer who creates developer tutorials connected YouTube and TikTok. I dream you bask our conversation. Can you conjecture what bass statement I'm playing connected my bass during nan intro? It's from a 1979 song. Be judge to travel The freeCodeCamp podcast successful your favourite podcast app. And stock this podcast pinch a friend. Let's animate much folks to study to codification and build careers for themselves successful tech. Also, I want to convey nan 8,983 benignant group who support our kindness each month, and who make this podcast possible. You tin subordinate them and support our ngo at: Links we talk astir during nan interview: Ben's game, Void Pet connected Android and iOS (Built successful React Native): XKCD coming connected "Real Programmers" that Quincy mentions: React Native people by Ben Awad: I can't find my Mac Control hotkeys video tutorial anywhere, truthful I wrote a speedy article explaining really to usage these: šŸŽ‰ Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters: šŸ‘¾ davthecoder šŸ‘¾ jedi-or-sith šŸ‘¾ 南宮千影 šŸ‘¾ AgustĆ­n Kussrow šŸ‘¾ Nattira Maneerat šŸ‘¾ Heather Wcislo šŸ‘¾ Serhiy Kalinets šŸ‘¾ Justin Hual šŸ‘¾ Otis Morgan šŸ‘¾ Oscar Rahnama -- Learn to codification for free and get a developer job: Read hundreds of articles connected programming: