Apple Maps is yet disposable connected nan web. Through a beta that launched Wednesday afternoon, you tin now get driving and stepping directions, arsenic good arsenic position ratings and reviews from nan web type of Apple Maps successful a desktop aliases mobile browser.
Apple Maps is disposable done nan site. You tin do astir of what you tin successful nan iOS type of nan app, including position guides, bid nutrient straight from Maps, research cities, and get accusation astir businesses. Apple says it’s going to motorboat further features, for illustration Look Around, successful nan coming months.
The web-based type of Apple Maps is only disposable successful English for now, and is compatible pinch Safari and Chrome connected Mac and iPad, on pinch Chrome and Edge connected Windows PCs. Apple plans connected rolling retired support for different languages, browsers, and platforms successful nan future. Apple notes that each developers utilizing its MapKit JS instrumentality tin nexus retired to Maps connected nan web.
Users person agelong requested Apple Maps connected nan web since nan app’s motorboat connected iPhone successful 2012. Now that it’s yet here, Apple Maps will beryllium capable to straight compete pinch Google, which has agelong been disposable connected nan web. Apple has been gradually adding caller features to its mapping service, including detailed metropolis maps, multi-stop routing, cycling directions, EV routing, offline navigation, and more.