Apex Legends 2 sewage announced earlier Titanfall 3?
While discussing Q3 2025 net results, EA CEO Andrew Wilson laid retired the early of Apex Legends for investors six years aft its astonishment launch. With “tens of millions” of regular players, there’s a important update planned erstwhile the caller Battlefield launches (it’s owed retired earlier April 2026), but that’s not all:
Our anticipation is that Apex will beryllium besides 1 of those franchises [that past 10, 20, 30 years], and that immoderate time, connected a longer word clip horizon, location will beryllium an moreover bigger much meaningful update to that experience, an Apex 2.0 if you will. This will not beryllium the past incarnation of Apex.
Overwatch 2 and Apex Legends travel Fortnite by going backmost to the beginning.
Last year’s Fortnite OG event has attracted a caller information of free-to-play copycats.
Apex Legends responded to gross that EA execs said “fell short of expectations” with a “Launch Royale” revisiting the original representation and characters until November 19th.
Apex Legends is having a unsmooth week
Image: EA / Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends can’t look to drawback a break. The crippled has been plagued pinch a brace of high-profile issues for the past fewer weeks.
First up, earlier this week, the leader shooter’s developer, Respawn Entertainment, announced it was retooling the game’s conflict pass. For play 22 and beyond, the conflict walk will now beryllium divided into 2 halves, pinch 60 levels for each half. Additionally, players will nary longer beryllium capable to acquisition a conflict walk pinch AC aliases Apex’s in-game currency. “The determination to move from AC to existent world rate is not 1 that we made lightly, but it does let america to alteration the value of Premium+ for our community,” the announcement read.
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Apex Legends locks things down and brings backmost Three Strikes.
The developers of Apex Legends announced a caller postulation event, the return of the fast-paced Three Strikes mode that brings bad players (like me) correct backmost into the action, and a caller “Apex Rumble” asynchronous tourney system.
But astir importantly, TechCrunch reports that the hacker down last month’s ALGS incident says the utilization he utilized to hack streamers mid-game has been patched.
Apex Legends devs corroborate esports hacking incident, respond pinch ‘layered’ updates
Apex Legends has postponed the North America finals for its Global Series title complete concerns that hackers person compromised the “competitive integrity” of the game. Two master players from awesome teams were targeted while livestreaming connected Sunday by an onslaught that forcibly applied advantage-granting cheats during competitory gameplay.
The origin of these attacks hasn’t been officially verified, starring to speculation that the hack whitethorn person been delivered via Apex Legends’ anti-cheat protections. An speech posted by a cheat monitoring relationship connected X claims that the attacker recovered an RCE (or distant codification execution) utilization to tally their codification straight connected the players’ computers.
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Overwatch 2 and Apex Legends deed the reset button.
Over the adjacent mates of hours, the 2 games I play the astir are releasing monolithic updates, pinch changes to classed tier systems, characteristic abilities, and either 120Hz refresh rates aliases caller slug sizes.
With games for illustration Baldur’s Gate 3 and Spider-Man 2 atop the income charts, these unrecorded work games request thing caller to support going — and hopefully, pinch these changes they find it.
Image: EA / Blizzard
The 5th day of Apex Legends is bringing large changes.
There’s a caller in-match progression strategy that gives players choices successful ways to upgrade their legend’s abilities, and shields activity wholly differently. Oh, and aft a agelong wait, 120fps Performance Mode is yet coming for PS5 and Xbox Series consoles.
Cross-progression is yet coming to Apex Legends.
Apex Legends has thrived since its surprise launch 4 years ago, and while it has thrived since then, the truth that players couldn’t migrate acquired contented and stats crossed platforms has go ridiculous arsenic competitors for illustration Fortnite, Warzone, and moreover Overwatch merged accounts crossed PC, PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch.
Apex Legends: Resurrection is different caller commencement for EA’s conflict royale
Image: EA
More than 4 years aft its explosive launch shook up the conflict royale market, Apex Legends is looking for yet different caller commencement (no, that caller commencement doesn’t see immoderate updates astir cross-progression aliases 120fps connected consoles) erstwhile its caller season, Resurrection, launches connected August 8th astatine 1PM ET.
In the caller season, the Apex developers are undertaking a run to rework and revisit existing elements, starting pinch 1 of the game’s older characters, Revenant.
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April Fools’ 2023: Apex Legends.
Combining past year’s Nessie-shooting pistol and the “Mozambique here!” joke that’s been coming since Apex Legends launched, Respawn has made (what utilized to be) the game’s worst weapon into an assortment of different weapons.
Pinging a doorway aliases different limb turns it into 1 of respective random Mozambiques that person properties of different guns that person been removed from the game, arsenic good arsenic the Nessie variant.
The caller play of Apex Legends won’t adhd a caller character, but it does person a caller limb and squad deathmatch.
Respawn and EA’s conflict royale shooter celebrates its 4th day pinch a 16th season, dubbed “Revelry.” It arrives arsenic its mobile type meets an untimely end, and players inquire for changes to support things fresh.
Polygon has much details, including a reclassification of the game’s characters, a playlist of rotating alternate modes, and bot matches to thief caller players get their feet bedewed erstwhile it launches connected February 14th.
Apex Legends’ caller characteristic comes pinch a tiny sidekick and a large sniper rifle
Apex Legends continues to clasp its players’ attraction moreover aft respective years connected the market, and adjacent week, the conflict royale shooter will bring things backmost to wherever they started pinch a caller play that revisits the game’s original map. This year, the crippled already added 2 caller characters (plus 2 much successful the caller mobile version), brought upgrades for next-gen consoles, rotated successful a well-received Control crippled mode, and, according to EA’s net telephone this week, notched double-digit income maturation again for the past quarter. On the different hand, subordinate complaints complete glitches, classed mode scoring, matchmaking, and practically immoderate different mini item proceed to mount.
The past play was peculiarly troubled, pinch problems that affected 1 of the game’s champion features — its responsive controls — and capable bugginess that it moreover popped up during a master Apex Legends tourney past month.
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Xbox input lag for Apex Legends is yet fixed, 2 weeks later
Update July 5th, 2:30PM ET: On Tuesday day Respawn and EA released a caller spot saying it should reside the issue, and aft playing a spot I tin corroborate it has fixed input lag pinch each the controllers I utilized connected Xbox Series X.
Last week, EA’s conflict royale shooter Apex Legends launched a “collection event,” which is shorthand for a limited-time setup that is mostly astir players buying a bunch of cosmetic items from the in-game store. The only problem is that this time, the monolithic update has made the crippled astir unplayable for galore group connected consoles.
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Apex Legends play 13 pushes teamwork pinch a caller benignant of leader and classed mode changes
Over the past fewer seasons, the developers of Apex Legends person worked connected opening up the game, some with a monolithic caller map and adding a impermanent crippled mode that swaps retired conflict royale action for a much accepted squad deathmatch. On May 10th, they’re introducing different caller fable to the arena pinch Newcastle and making changes that mightiness thief players attraction connected teamwork.
Season 13 of Apex Legends carries the title Saviors, which matches Newcastle’s kit of abilities that are astir keeping his teammates live longer to thief them triumph fights. While a slew of leaks successful the past fewer months spoiled immoderate of the surprises, seeing him successful action is an wholly different thing. He has a passive expertise that is dissimilar immoderate characteristic we’ve seen before, pinch the expertise to not only shield downed teammates while reviving them, but he tin besides resistance them to safety. The shield’s powerfulness level increases if Newcastle is carrying a higher-tier knockdown shield, which adds different tweak to an often overlooked item.
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Apex Legends next-gen console updates pinch 4K and HDR motorboat tomorrow
Respawn Entertainment has confirmed that Apex Legends upgrades for the PS5 and Xbox Series X / S consoles will motorboat tomorrow with the caller Warriors postulation event. Until now, the conflict royale shooter has shared versions crossed the console generations. But erstwhile the update is released — usually astir 1PM ET — console players will yet beryllium capable to subordinate those connected PC pinch support for natively rendered 4K (except connected the Series S), HDR, amended protector maps, and greater level of item distances.
All versions connected consoles are still constricted to 60Hz, pinch 120Hz gameplay listed arsenic an upgrade coming successful the early (however, erstwhile the PS5 supports 120Hz output, it will beryllium capable to unit it moreover connected games that don’t person support built-in if you want to springiness it a try). When I talked to the developers before the motorboat of the existent season, Defiance, they said that we would spot caller next-gen features rotation retired passim the twelvemonth pinch the caller seasons. Other features confirmed successful the useful are adaptive trigger and haptic support for the PlayStation 5 DualSense controller.
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Apex Legends turns 3 and prepares to alteration everything pinch the motorboat of Defiance
In 2019, Respawn Entertainment surprised gamers by pursuing up its Titanfall games pinch thing somewhat different, alternatively opting for a return connected the (then) caller and increasing free-to-play conflict royale genre pinch Apex Legends.
You cognize what happened next. After a patient dose of promoted unrecorded streams, the crippled quickly carved retired a unsocial abstraction and grew quickly successful popularity, racking up 25 cardinal registered players successful 1 week and crossing the 100 cardinal mark successful clip for its 2nd birthday. Now, Apex Legends is turning three, and successful a speech pinch The Verge, crippled head Steven Ferreira said that this year, players should expect to spot the title do things that are wholly dissimilar what we’ve seen truthful acold while still keeping the conflict royale arsenic the halfway of the game.
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Apex Legends: Escape takes the conflict royale shooter connected picnic astatine the cleanable time
Image: EA
In the years since Respawn and EA launched Apex Legends, the shooter has carved retired its spot among a crowded section of contenders. Other games person tried to participate the marketplace and grounded to make overmuch effect alongside the different conflict royale titans for illustration Call of Duty: Warzone, PUBG, and Fortnite. Still, contempt a patient subordinate guidelines and competitory scene, a caller update, dubbed Escape, arrives pursuing 1 of the roughest seasons since the debut, and it mightiness beryllium precisely what the crippled needs.
Last season’s caller character, Seer, drew disapproval from galore players until Respawn nerfed his typical abilities. Then that alteration led to its ain controversy, arsenic players accused the developers of intentionally releasing heroes pinch overpowered abilities to coax much money retired of participants successful this “free” game.
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Apex Legends’ classed mode will beryllium the cardinal to keeping it alive
Image: Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends is one week into its 2nd season, which features a drastically changed map, a caller characteristic to master, and a pleasantly revamped conflict walk pinch much-needed caller rewards. But the astir pivotal summation to the conflict royale crippled is its classed mode. Split into six tiers, this caller mode will apt beryllium the lifeblood of Apex Legends going forward, keeping it engaging for competitory players and carving retired a organization of top-tier streamers and aspiring pros who tin shape the backbone of a early e-sports scene.
The bully news is that Apex Legends’ classed mode is wonderfully designed. It fixes almost each large title I’ve had astir specified modes successful different games, giving maine a rewarding measurement to walk my clip successful a measurement that ne'er feels for illustration a 2nd job, arsenic truthful galore games-as-a-service titles for illustration Bungie’s Destiny 2 tin feel. I’ve only conscionable started playing, but tin already spot myself spending dozens to hundreds of hours here, truthful agelong arsenic Respawn keeps it from increasing old and finds ways to combat the inherent toxicity classed modes are infamous for.
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EA wants to bring Apex Legends to mobile
Today EA released its quarterly earnings, and unsurprisingly Apex Legends was a large hit. According to EA, the Respawn-developed conflict royale crippled is “easily the fastest-growing franchise we’ve ever had.” What mightiness beryllium surprising, though, is that EA said it’s looking to bring the crippled from PC and console to mobile platforms. “We are successful precocious negotiations to bring Apex Legends to China and to mobile,” the institution said during today’s call.
Unfortunately, that’s each the accusation we person correct now. But intelligibly EA is looking to support gait pinch Apex’s biggest competitors, Fortnite and PUBG. Both of those games are disposable connected mobile, though they utilize different strategies. Fortnite is fundamentally the nonstop aforesaid acquisition crossed each platforms, including mobile, while PUBG has a abstracted type called PUBG Mobile. Both games are monolithic hits; arsenic of past December, the mobile type of PUBG had arsenic galore players arsenic each of Fortnite, astatine astir 200 million.
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Respawn won’t unreserved Apex Legends updates truthful that it tin ‘avoid crunch’
Image: EA / Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends was a monolithic deed retired of the gate, but since then, galore players person complained astir a deficiency of contented updates, particularly compared to the perpetually changing Fortnite. Today, successful a astonishing reveal, executive shaper Drew McCoy explained that this won’t needfully beryllium changing immoderate clip soon.
“Our semipermanent extremity is to guarantee Apex Legends ever feels live and thriving, pinch a attraction connected value of contented complete novelty aliases velocity of release,” McCoy wrote successful a blog post. “At the aforesaid time, we want to support our civilization arsenic a improvement squad and debar crunch that tin quickly lead to burnout aliases worse.”
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The first Apex Legends conflict walk launches tomorrow pinch caller characteristic Octane
Image: Respawn Entertainment
Respawn Entertainment’s fast-growing conflict royale deed Apex Legends is launching its much-anticipated first play tomorrow, the developer announced this morning. The first season, dubbed Wild Frontier, will travel pinch a Fortnite-style conflict walk costing $9.50 for 3 months alongside the game’s newest character, the fable Octane.
Fans of Apex Legends person been anxiously awaiting the conflict walk motorboat since the crippled first released astatine the opening of February. As pioneered first by Fortnite creator Epic Games, a conflict walk strategy lets players salary a mini fee, typically astir $10, for 3 months of ongoing in-game rewards and typical events.
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Twitch streamer Ninja reportedly earned $1 cardinal for promoting Apex Legends launch
Photo by Nick Statt / The Verge
When Electronic Arts’ conflict royale shooter Apex Legends surprise-launched early past month, it seemed for illustration the full gaming organization started paying attraction astatine once. Part of the logic for the contiguous surge successful liking was that EA paid apical Twitch streamers to beforehand the game. And, successful fact, 1 of those streamers, Fortnite extraordinaire Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, whitethorn person earned arsenic overmuch arsenic $1 cardinal for doing so, according to Reuters.
Ninja’s live-streaming and societal media promotions helped Apex Legends summation traction among his 13.6 million-plus Twitch followers, arsenic good arsenic his Twitter pursuing of complete 4 cardinal and Instagram assemblage of complete 13.2 million. Now, an anonymous root tells Reuters that his efforts were reportedly worthy the seven-figure sum.
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E-sports teams are flocking to Apex Legends
Apex Legends is the hottest crippled of the moment, skyrocketing to 50 cardinal registered players successful its first period of existence. Its operation of lightning-quick action and squad-focused gameplay has made it not only a celebrated crippled to play, but an breathtaking 1 to watch arsenic well. Apex regularly dominates the Twitch charts, often topping champion Fortnite. So it’s nary astonishment that Apex Legends is primed to go the adjacent large e-sport.
Over the past fewer weeks, established e-sports teams person been slow assembling Apex Legends squads. The past week, successful particular, has been a flurry of announcements. TSM, 100 Thieves, Gen.G, and NRG each added either full Apex teams aliases individual players complete the past fewer days. One of the much astonishing moves saw venerated e-sports statement Team Liquid move its Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 “blackout” squad complete to Apex.
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There’s not capable clip to play each of these online shooters
For the past fewer nights, astir of my clip has been spent exploring the fantastical sci-fi realm of Anthem, fighting disconnected countless alien bad guys and putting acold excessively overmuch power into making judge my armor is conscionable the correct color. During that aforesaid period, I’ve been getting successful regular matches of Apex Legends, Respawn’s caller team-based conflict royale that’s perfect for group who don’t for illustration to talk while they shoot. Meanwhile, I’ve besides been preparing myself for the impending eighth play of Fornite, wrapping up a last fewer quests and tracking the earthquake-induced cracks successful the landscape.
I’ve besides realized that I don’t person clip for each of this.
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Apex Legends is simply a amended conflict royale, but I’d alternatively bent retired successful Fortnite
Even though I’ve been playing Fortnite for the amended portion of a year, I still get amazed by the butterflies. There I am, moving on the separator of a elephantine crater aliases sneaking done a dense forest, and immoderate blue, fluttering wings drawback my eye. I don’t precisely extremity and look — that’s excessively vulnerable successful a conflict royale wherever everyone is retired to termination you — but it’s capable to seizure my attraction for a little second, earlier I move connected to research different parts of the island.
There’s thing akin to those charming butterflies successful Apex Legends. Respawn’s Titanfall-themed shooter stormed retired of the gates erstwhile it launched 2 weeks ago, racking up 25 cardinal players successful 7 days and regularly dominating the Twitch charts. Apex isn’t the first conflict royale crippled to situation Fortnite, but nary of its contemporaries person had this benignant of momentum. Even neon-haired Fortnite prima Ninja is playing Respawn’s game, winning the game’s first awesome tourney past week successful beforehand of hundreds of thousands of viewers.
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