Android’s new antitheft feature is now in testing

Jun 12, 2024 03:51 AM - 4 months ago 53703

Google is now testing Android 15’s automatic theft discovery features announced astatine nan I/O developer convention successful May. The institution tapped Brazil to play big for nan first testing grounds connected relationship of section feedback from users successful nan country, which is an evident hotbed for smartphone snatching. You tin sign up to effort nan feature correct now if you hap to unrecorded there.

Theft Detection Lock, arsenic it’s called, uses AI to find whether definite jerky movements are suggestive of an ongoing theft attempt. In summation to relying connected motion, it tin besides usage different tells, specified arsenic personification attempting to usage it connected a different web aliases if it notices it’s disconnected a often utilized web for an extended time.

Google announced nan automatic antitheft characteristic arsenic portion of nan larger privateness and information improvements it’s readying for Android 15, which besides see a password-locked vault called “private space” that stores delicate apps and data. Theft discovery will beryllium backported to older versions, however.

In lighter news, Android users successful Brazil aren’t conscionable getting to trial a caller information feature. They will besides soon find it easier to interaction businesses — you tin connection them straight via WhatsApp by tapping a dedicated fastener that appears successful nan business’s hunt listing. They’ll besides beryllium capable to group appointments pinch section businesses specified arsenic doctors and cosmetologists correct from nan hunt results. For now, some features are exclusive to those successful nan country.
