Amazon’s new seven-inch Kindle Paperwhite is bigger and faster than ever

Oct 16, 2024 08:00 PM - 4 months ago 147479

Amazon introduced updated versions of the Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite connected Wednesday, only a fewer hours aft inadvertently leaking them both. The Paperwhite is getting 1 of its biggest creation refreshes ever, pinch a larger surface that’s wholly flush pinch the bezels of the device, while the entry-level exemplary is getting updated pinch a popular of colour and immoderate velocity improvements.

We sewage to effort some astatine Amazon’s motorboat arena successful New York City and came distant impressed. Neither is simply a reinvention of the full Kindle format, but some are bully devices.

Of the 2 e-readers, the Kindle Paperwhite is receiving much important changes. The e-reader is now bigger, pinch a seven-inch screen, while boasting the highest opposition ratio of immoderate Kindle. It’s besides brighter, and pages move faster. Amazon says they’re 25 percent faster, to beryllium specific, but the upshot is that pages move practically arsenic accelerated arsenic you tin tap. Full-flash page refreshes are little communal now, and they’re subtle capable that we hardly noticed them successful demos. Amazon says the caller exemplary tin past 3 months connected a azygous charge, up from 10 weeks, but we’ll request immoderate clip to find retired if that’s existent successful our use.

The modular Paperwhite exemplary will commencement astatine $159.99, a $10 summation from its predecessor.

Amazon is besides introducing a “Signature Edition” of the Paperwhite, which costs $40 more. This $199.99 model is identical to the regular Paperwhite but comes pinch doubly arsenic overmuch retention astatine 32GB, optional wireless charging, and an auto-adjusting beforehand light. A number of executives astatine Amazon’s motorboat arena raved astir wireless charging, saying that they usage their bedside dock and their Kindle conscionable seems permanently charged.

A matcha Kindle adjacent to a achromatic Paperwhite.

The caller Kindle is smaller, the caller Paperwhite is bigger.

Photo: David Pierce / The Verge

The entry-level Kindle is receiving much of an iterative update pinch a caller acheronian mode, a backlight that’s 25 percent brighter, and improved opposition levels. Amazon besides claims it now offers faster page turns — though broadside by broadside pinch the caller Paperwhite, it was noticeably slower.

The caller exemplary is expected to past somewhat longer, pinch up to 8 weeks connected a azygous charge, and it’s a fewer grams lighter. The Kindle now comes successful a beautiful matcha greenish colour successful summation to black, too. (Amazon has intelligibly seen the inclination of group customizing and bedazzling their Kindles, and is leaning into it.) Otherwise, it’s akin to its predecessor, pinch the aforesaid six-inch 300ppi show arsenic before, 16GB of storage, and USB-C support. It’ll sell for $109.99, besides up $10 complete the past model.

The caller Kindle Scribe and Kindle Colorsoft were the splashier announcements successful Amazon’s caller e-reader lineup, but the 2 little costly Kindles were overdue for an upgrade and look to person gotten them. The Paperwhite, Amazon executives said complete and over, is astir people’s favourite Kindle — and a amended surface and faster page turns are precisely what they’ve been asking for. These Kindles stay Kindles, and that’s very overmuch connected purpose.
