Amazon now offers edifice nutrient delivery. And if you salary for Amazon Prime, nan transportation portion is free.
Amazon is now embedding Grubhub into and nan Amazon Shopping app, and Amazon Prime customers paying $139 per twelvemonth for Amazon Prime will now salary $0 for nutrient transportation fees connected orders of $12 aliases more, among different benefits.
Amazon had previously offered Prime customers a free one-year subscription to GrubHub Plus, but that 1 auto-renewed astatine $129 per year. Now, it’s a imperishable portion of nan Amazon Prime subscription.
Amazon says nan ordering acquisition is “identical” to ordering from Grubhub’s website aliases app and is accessible to each customers, moreover without Prime.
Amazon and Grubhub opportunity they’ll proceed collaborating connected different promotions, including nutrient pairings and promotions for illustration nan limited Nuka Burger for nan Fallout bid premiere.
Amazon’s Prime rank comes on pinch different services for illustration Prime Video, Amazon Music, positive premium add-ons for illustration Amazon’s drugstore work RxPass ($5 a period for galore communal medications) aliases $10 a period for unlimited market delivery from Whole Foods and Amazon Fresh.
Prime members tin besides get $5 disconnected their Grubhub repast of $25 aliases more, made done Amazon pinch codification PRIME5 (valid done June 2nd).