Tuesday, June 11, 2024
A return argumentation is simply a awesome facet considered by shoppers erstwhile buying products online, and so last year we enabled nan extraction of system information return policies for individual products. Today we're adding support for return policies astatine nan organization level arsenic well, which intends you'll beryllium capable to specify a wide return argumentation for your business alternatively of having to specify 1 for each individual merchandise you sell.
Adding an organization-level return argumentation tin thief trim nan size of your Product system information markup and make it easier to negociate your return argumentation markup successful 1 place. It tin besides make your return policies eligible to show pinch further hunt results specified arsenic knowledge panels and brand profiles, successful addition to merchandise hunt results.
Adding a return argumentation to your statement system information is particularly important if you don't person a Merchant Center relationship and want nan expertise to supply a return argumentation for your business. Merchant Center already lets you supply a return policy for your business, truthful if you person a Merchant Center relationship we urge defining your return argumentation location instead.
Adding support for return policies to nan Rich Results Test
You tin trial return policies defined nether your statement system information utilizing nan Rich Results Test by submitting nan URL of a page aliases a codification snippet. Using nan tool, you tin corroborate whether aliases not your markup is valid.
If your tract is an online aliases section business, we urge utilizing 1 of nan OnlineStore, or LocalBusiness subtypes of Organization.
We dream this summation makes it easier for you to adhd return policies for your business, and alteration them to beryllium shown crossed Google shopping experiences. If you person immoderate questions aliases concerns, scope retired to america utilizing the Google Search Central Community, connected Twitter, aliases connected LinkedIn.
Posted by Irina Tuduce, Pascal Fleury, and Johan Linder, Google Shopping package engineers
Except arsenic different noted, nan contented of this page is licensed nether nan Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and codification samples are licensed nether nan Apache 2.0 License. For details, spot nan Google Developers Site Policies. Java is simply a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
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