What’s changing 

In nan past year, we’ve added caller features, specified arsenic disabling submissions aft a owed day successful Google Classroom and excusing assignments successful Google Classroom, successful bid to springiness teachers moreover much elasticity erstwhile it comes to grading for assignments and classwork. 

Today, we're improving support for missing assignments successful gradebook by giving teachers nan expertise to manually people an duty arsenic ‘missing’ aliases ‘complete’ and automatically adhd a default draught score. 

Getting started 

  • Admins: There is nary admin power for this feature. 
  • End users: 
    • By default, each missing assignments will automatically person a draught people of ‘0’. However, teachers tin set nan default draught people aliases move OFF nan automated scoring feature. 
    • Assignments that displayed nan ‘missing’ labels anterior to this update will beryllium automatically updated and person nan draught score. 
    • Visit nan Help Center to study much astir grading & returning an assignment. 

Rollout pace 

  • Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for characteristic visibility) starting connected July 2, 2024 


  • Available to each Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users pinch individual Google accounts 


  • Google Help: Grade & return an assignment