7 Psychology-Backed Reasons Why People Buy — Whiteboard Friday

Nov 08, 2024 03:00 PM - 3 weeks ago 32953

Tasmin Lofthouse

The author's views are wholly their ain (excluding the improbable arena of hypnosis) and whitethorn not ever bespeak the views of Moz.

In this section of Whiteboard Friday, Tasmin dives into the world of psychology. She shares intelligence models to usage successful your contented to amended link pinch your target audience, helping them make much informed acquisition decisions.

Digital whiteboard illustrating 7 reasons why group buy.

Click connected the whiteboard image supra to unfastened a high-resolution version!

Welcome backmost to different Moz Whiteboard Friday. I'm Tasmin Lofthouse, a conversion copywriter and the laminitis of Fika Digital. Today, we're going to beryllium diving into the world of psychology arsenic I stock immoderate intelligence models you tin usage successful your contented to amended link pinch your target assemblage and thief them make much informed acquisition decisions.

What is simply a intelligence model?

What is simply a intelligence model?

If you're not a psychology geek for illustration me, you mightiness beryllium wondering what a intelligence exemplary is. In short, it's a word utilized successful psychology that explains the measurement that group usage various worldviews, concepts, and frameworks to make consciousness of the world astir them. 

When we're utilizing intelligence models, it typically looks thing for illustration we person accusation into our brain, we process it utilizing intelligence models, and past we enactment connected it by making a decision, forming a belief, aliases doing something. 

Before I dive into the intelligence models we're going to beryllium talking astir today, I want to very quickly caveat this by saying erstwhile we're utilizing psychology successful content, this is not astir manipulating people. We're not present trying to get group to do things they don't want to aliases bargain products they're not willing in. We're simply utilizing these to amended understand quality decision-making and thief them make much informed acquisition decisions erstwhile they're buying something. Okay, let's go.

Authority bias

Authority bias

First, we've sewage authority bias. Authority bias is the thought that we're overmuch much apt to spot and judge accusation that comes from an authority expert. For example, if a constabulary serviceman tells you to do something, you're a batch much apt to perceive to them than if it's conscionable a random personification connected the street. 

This tin besides use to your contented by making judge that erstwhile you constitute content, it is written by aliases supported by authority experts wrong your field. A awesome illustration of this is Healthline. So successful their content, anytime they constitute for their blog, that portion of contented is reviewed by a aesculapian professional. If you're giving aesculapian advice, it is beautiful superior business, truthful it's awesome that they do this. This is simply a really bully intelligence exemplary to support successful mind if you are penning astir YMYL topics where E-E-A-T is of particularly precocious importance.

Familiarity principle

familiarity principle

Up next, we person the familiarity principle. This conscionable refers to the measurement that we are overmuch much apt to for illustration things that we're acquainted with. In short, we for illustration what we like. 

Familiarity rule tin beryllium utilized successful your contented by conscionable making judge you usage the words that your assemblage are already acquainted with. So speak the measurement that they speak. Don't confuse them aliases overcomplicate things by utilizing confusing jargon. 

You tin besides usage the familiarity rule erstwhile introducing a caller conception aliases merchandise to your target audience. A awesome illustration of this successful action is an ADHD app called Inflow, who usage the statement for illustration Duolingo, but for ADHD, which is simply a awesome measurement of positioning their chartless merchandise by putting it up against thing you already cognize and like, specified arsenic Duolingo.

Price anchoring

Price anchoring

Up next, we person value anchoring. So value anchoring is simply a awesome intelligence exemplary that has tons of different strengths to it. I really urge you dive deeper into this 1 and research it successful much depth.

For now, we're going to conscionable screen the basics of value anchoring. In value anchoring, arsenic the sanction suggests, you're going to anchor the value of your merchandise to the value of thing that they already know. A value constituent unsocial doesn't show group an atrocious lot, truthful they person to usage different contexts and cues to understand if that value is worthwhile. We spot value anchoring each the clip successful supermarkets wherever brands will opportunity that their merchandise is X times cheaper than the starring competitor.

Price anchoring is besides commonly utilized successful SaaS subscriptions, wherever they mightiness comparison the costs of a subscription to the costs of a cup of coffee. People bargain java time in, time out, truthful if we're seeing a subscription compared to that, we're going to deliberation it's beautiful bully worth for money.

There is each kinds of ways that you tin usage value anchoring. You tin play astir pinch this successful your headlines, successful your income landing pages, email copy, pricing pages, and CTA buttons conscionable to sanction a few.

The norm of three

The norm of three

Up next, we've sewage the norm of three. The norm of 3 is the thought that things successful a group of 3 are seen arsenic a complete entity. There's conscionable thing astir a group of 3 that conscionable looks bully and complete.

You tin usage the norm of 3 successful each kinds of ways successful your content, whether that's successful your headlines, slug points, the measurement you building your services, aliases the number of tiers you person successful a pricing table. This is different awesome 1 to play astir with.

An illustration of the norm of 3 would beryllium the occurrence information motto to "Stop, driblet and roll." It makes it really memorable and easy to follow. For a much advertising-related one, we person Mars' advertizing motto that "A Mars a time helps you work, remainder and play." This is besides a awesome illustration of rhyme arsenic reason, which we'll explicate again successful a small spot much detail. 

Confirmation bias

Confirmation bias

Up next, we've sewage confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is the thought that we're overmuch much apt to hunt for, favor, and judge things that align pinch our preexisting beliefs.

With confirmation bias, you tin usage this successful your contented by conscionable researching your audience, getting to cognize the existent business they're in, getting to understand their existent thoughts, beliefs, and experiences. Then create contented that connects pinch those experiences. You tin usage this successful each kinds of ways, from the measurement you building your contented to peculiar pieces of contented that you write.

A awesome illustration of this is Design Academy. So what they did is they emailed their customers and asked them for their biggest creation frustrations. They past utilized those answers to constitute transcript that connected pinch their assemblage by putting their experiences beforehand and center.

I really urge playing astir pinch confirmation bias and conscionable taking the clip to speak to your target assemblage truthful you tin amended support them. Another awesome illustration of this successful action is conscionable to usage testimonials from group who are for illustration your target audience. This will thief them to spot really your merchandise tin move them from their existent business to their dream situation.

Rhyme arsenic reason

Rhyme arsenic reason

Next, we've sewage rhyme arsenic reason. Rhyme arsenic logic is the thought that we're overmuch much apt to judge thing if it rhymes. It sounds really weird, but it's true. Research has shown that ads that rhyme are much apt to beryllium seen arsenic being memorable, original, trustworthy, and persuasive.

I urge playing astir pinch rhyme successful your content. You tin usage rhyme by creating headlines that usage rhyme, aliases you tin conscionable usage it by adding much hit to your sentences, your contented flow, and your structure. As mentioned earlier, a awesome illustration of rhyme arsenic logic is Mars' "A Mars a time helps you work, remainder and play" slogan.

Another illustration of this is the task guidance tool, Basecamp, who usage the headline, "Not everything nether the sun, conscionable the worldly to get it done." Using this arsenic the header for their features page really stress the constituent of their merchandise and thief their assemblage spot really it's going to thief them.

Circle of competence

Circle of competence

Finally, we person the circle of competence. So the circle of competence is simply a word coined by Warren Buffett. The thought present is that you should enactment wrong your circle of competence by only talking astir the things that you really know. If you want to beryllium known for e-commerce SEO, past make judge that that is what you talk about. Make that your breadstuff and butter. 

You tin usage the circle of competence by creating laser-focused, fine-tuned contented strategies and making judge you are the known master for that topic. 

So that's 7 intelligence models that you tin usage to create high-converting contented that amended resonates pinch your audience. However, this is virtually conscionable the extremity of the iceberg. There are hundreds if not thousands of intelligence models retired there, truthful I urge you conscionable spell distant and person nosy adding much of these to your content, and fto america cognize really you get connected pinch it. Thanks for watching.
