7 memorable moments in Chromecast's history

Aug 06, 2024 08:00 PM - 3 months ago 88248

After 11 years and complete 100 cardinal devices sold, we're ending accumulation of Chromecast, which will now only beryllium disposable while supplies last. The clip has now travel to germinate nan smart TV streaming instrumentality class — primed for nan caller area of AI, intermezo and smart homes. With this, location are no changes to our support policy for existing Chromecast devices, pinch continued package and information updates to nan latest devices.

When we launched Chromecast, astir TVs had fewer (if any) apps, streaming was unreliable and analyzable and connecting your TV to your phone, tablet aliases laptop was clunky and hard. Chromecast was our reply to this problem, a elemental and affordable measurement to formed your favourite online contented correct connected your TV screen. It was arsenic easy arsenic plugging successful nan instrumentality and hitting play. Chromecast’s mini dongle shape facet made it easy to hide down a TV, and nan affordable value made it accessible to millions and nan cleanable gift for many.

Since then, exertion has evolved dramatically. Streaming and smart TVs abound. We invested heavy successful embedding Google Cast exertion into millions of TV devices, including Android TV. Android TV has expanded to 220 cardinal devices worldwide and we are continuing to bring Google Cast to different TV devices, for illustration LG TVs. Thousands of apps support casting, making it easier than ever to watch your contented from your telephone and tablet connected nan large screen. So we are taking nan adjacent measurement successful evolving really streaming TV devices tin adhd moreover much capabilities to your smart TV, built connected apical of nan aforesaid Chromecast technology.

Today, we’re introducing Google TV Streamer, a much premium instrumentality built for nan caller era of intermezo and smart location needs. With Google TV Streamer, you tin not only indulge your intermezo needs, but besides person a hub for your full smart home.

Still, Google TV Streamer wouldn't beryllium without Chromecast paving nan way. To grant nan extremity of this era, present is simply a travel down representation lane of immoderate of Chromecast's biggest moments.
