4 Ways to Prepare to Raise Venture Capital

Oct 10, 2024 11:30 PM - 4 months ago 149233

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

For galore high-tech startups, raising task superior is 1 of the earliest obstacles to flooded connected the travel from thought to unicorn. Especially successful a exertion assemblage wherever AI is making it simpler each time to motorboat products, getting funding is 1 of a fistful of ways entrepreneurs tin still summation a existent semipermanent advantage complete their competitors.

One of the biggest problems founders look erstwhile raising costs is simply a nonaccomplishment to adequately hole for their raise. Too galore founders judge fundraising is an isolated task that tin beryllium done wrong 2-3 months erstwhile necessary. The truth is that a successful fundraiser is often the consequence of a observant readying process aft which founders find themselves successful a suitable position to activity task capital.

Here are 4 things that companies tin do from time 1 to put themselves successful the champion imaginable position to raise task superior erstwhile they request a superior injection.

1. Reduce ineligible risks

As a lawyer, I've had galore startups travel to maine pinch word sheets successful hand, asking for their ineligible documents to beryllium retrospectively fixed to guarantee nary issues erstwhile going done owed diligence.

The movie The Social Network, which is about Facebook's founding, demonstrates really important it is for a institution to person due incorporation documents, laminitis agreements, employment contracts, IP assignments, freelance agreements, etc.

While Facebook was successful capable to sorb the $65 cardinal colony pinch the Winklevoss Twins, astir startups won't past early ineligible challenges, meaning ineligible mistakes early successful a company's life tin beryllium capable of a consequence to scare distant immoderate imaginable investors.

If you can't spend a lawyer astatine the early stages, utilizing templated agreements from sites for illustration Law4Startups aliases LegalZoom tin beryllium an affordable measurement to guarantee you aren't making ineligible mistakes.

Related: How I Raised $2 Million Without Knowing Any VCs

2. Network

Fundraising is importantly easier erstwhile you already person a web of investors to scope retired to alternatively of needing to build that web while fundraising. This is thing that galore founders study the difficult way.

The logic for this is two-fold. First, it is overmuch easier to build relationships pinch VCs erstwhile you are a founder, building an absorbing merchandise and you don't request thing from them. When your first interaction pinch a VC isn't asking for money but alternatively to stock a small astir your task and amended them connected your market, you tin turn a earthy narration pinch them. When you're first reaching retired to raise money, you don't person a chance to build a individual narration abstracted from the fundraiser.

Second, your fundraising process tin beryllium streamlined erstwhile you person an established network. Instead of talking introductions, asking for funds, going done owed diligence, etc., each astatine once, you tin group a day to scope retired to your network, pass them of your raise, put speech a week to talk to each investors, and past group a deadline for them to commit. This streamlined raise will beryllium much successful and little time-consuming. If you don't person an existing network, you tin commencement by attending section startup events, connecting pinch VCs and founders connected X aliases signing up for online investing networks for illustration NFX's Signal.

3. Track metrics

When you spell to raise, investors will want to see data. Even if you person constricted customers, they want to spot that you already person immoderate customers, immoderate signs of merchandise marketplace fresh and a level of shipping velocity down your company. One cardinal point pinch your metrics is to make judge that you aren't conscionable showing numbers retired of discourse but are specifically focused connected metrics that show your company's momentum and movement.

This intends you want to show gross maturation rates, personification acquisition, etc. The easiest measurement to guarantee you do this efficaciously is to link automated devices for illustration Google Analytics, Ordway and Stripe to your website and costs systems from the infinitesimal you launch.

4. Craft your narrative

One of the astir communal mistakes I spot is waiting until founders request to transportation earlier starting to trade the communicative astir their company. This often fails to impressment because founders are tempted to build a communicative astir investors, potential, finances and not their customers. Building a communicative astir your customers requires you to trade that communicative while you are moving alongside those customers.

The easiest measurement to do this is to commencement crafting your company's communicative based connected the benefits expressed by your earliest users erstwhile you motorboat your merchandise and not based connected what you consciousness will entreaty to the VCs successful a boardroom. The reality is that a existent communicative pinch existent group benefiting from the merchandise you've built will ever beryllium much convincing and effective than the 1 you conception successful the hopes of attracting investment.

Paying attraction to why customers are utilizing your products and perpetually iterating your company's communicative agelong earlier you request task superior will let you to trade an honorable communicative that will link pinch investors.

Related: 5 Trends to Look Out For successful Venture Capital This Year


Overall, 1 of the easiest ways to simplify the fundraising process and summation your chances of occurrence is to scheme to person captious elements of your fundraising, for illustration your legal, network, metrics and story, developed agelong earlier you request superior from extracurricular investors. Using existing package and dedicating a small clip to these tasks from the commencement will let you to do this without making different sacrifices while having galore incidental benefits for your accounting, marketing, civilization and more.
