13 Leading Advertisement Ideas for 2024

Jun 12, 2024 06:46 PM - 7 months ago 166278

Need ideas for advertizing but don’t cognize wherever to start?

Don’t worry. We’ve sewage you covered. 

Keep reference for 13 advertisement ideas to effort successful 2024.

Plus, get inspiration from examples of successful and imaginative ads that person worked for different businesses.

1. Target nan Right Keywords pinch Your Paid Search Ads

Paying for a hunt advertisement gets you to nan apical (or adjacent to nan top) of nan hunt results page for your target keyword.

Like this:

Google hunt results for nan keyword "seo tool" showing a paid hunt result.

But you shouldn’t bid connected conscionable immoderate keyword.

For example, you astir apt don’t request to bid connected your marque name. Because if personification searches for your brand, they are astir apt looking specifically for your website.

You should bid connected keywords that:

  • Are applicable to your products and services
  • Are related to your trading goals (e.g., if you want to waste much barroom soaps, past bid connected a keyword for illustration “best barroom soap”)
  • Have bully monthly hunt volumes
  • Aren’t excessively competitive

For example, this Adobe advertisement sewage served for nan keyword “photo editing software”:

Google hunt consequence for nan keyword "photo editing software" showing a sponsered Adobe ad.

Here’s an easy measurement to find those keywords.

Look up what keywords your competitors are bidding on. To constrictive down your keyword ideas. Using Advertising Research.

First, participate your competitor’s domain into nan hunt bar. And click “Search.”

Semrush advertizing investigation instrumentality commencement showing nan hunt barroom containing nan website nike.com.

You’ll get a study showing nan number of paid keywords that summation tract traffic, nan magnitude of postulation nan tract is getting, and an estimate of what this postulation costs.

Advertising investigation dashboard overview showing metrics for illustration estimated traffic, keywords and postulation costs.

Scroll down to find nan “Paid Search Positions” report. 

Here, you’ll find a database of nan keywords your competitor is bidding on. Along pinch information like:

  • Cost per click
  • Search volume
  • Position successful search
  • The URL of nan page containing nan keyword. 
Paid hunt positions study showing metrics for illustration costs per click, hunt volume, position and URL.

You tin usage nan Export usability to download this information and usage it erstwhile choosing which keywords to bid on. 

Paid hunt positions "export" fastener to download selected data.

Create a database of keywords that your competitors are targeting. That you mightiness use from targeting, arsenic well.

Use nan “Ads Copies” tab to position your competitor’s nonstop advertisement copy. So that you tin amended understand their paid advertizing strategy. And get advertisement ideas of your own.

Ads copies tab showing competitor Nike's nonstop advertisement copies.

Another easy measurement to find imaginable keywords is pinch Google Keyword Planner.

First, group up your Google Ads account. If you don’t cognize really to do that, past cheque retired this Google Keyword Planner guide.

Then, utilizing nan left-hand sidebar, spell to “Tools” > “Planning” > “Keyword Planner.”

Google keyword planner instrumentality dashboard showing nan keyword planner button.

Choose “Discover caller keywords” from nan 2 options provided.

Google keyword planner instrumentality dashboard showing nan "discover caller keywords" fastener highlighted.

Enter a keyword from nan database you already created done competitor research. Or participate a caller keyword related to your merchandise aliases service.

Then, adhd your website to nan section provided. And deed “Get results.”

Google keyword planner "discover caller keywords" section pinch nan keyword "women's sneakers" successful nan hunt bar.

The instrumentality will make a database of keywords. Pay attraction to nan pursuing columns:

  • Avg. monthly searches: The estimated number of searches each keyword gets per month
  • Competition: An parameter of really galore brands are already bidding connected this keyword (i.e., nan much competitive, nan harder it to nab nan apical paid spot for that keyword)
  • Top of page bid (low range): The mean lower-range bid that advertisers person paid for
  • Top of page bid (high range): The mean higher-range bid that advertisers person paid for

Make judge to target keywords pinch capable monthly searches, aren’t excessively competitive, and are wrong your budget.

Google keyword planner consequence overview for nan keyword "women's sneakers" showing metrics for illustration monthly searches and competition.

Now you cognize which keywords are worthy targeting pinch ads. Use this paid hunt ads guide to create your first campaign.

2. Highlight Your Company’s Strengths pinch Display Ads

Display ads look connected websites, apps, aliases societal media platforms. In nan shape of banners, images, aliases rich | media.

Like this:

A website page showing examples of show ads specified arsenic banners.

Be thoughtful astir what you see successful your show advertisement material. So that group who spot your advertisement understand precisely really you tin lick their problems.

For example, these show ads by Semrush person 4 important elements:

  • A solution to a problem: The ads show viewers that Semrush is everything they request to win successful SEO and outranking their competitors
  • An eye-catching image: The images show nan instrumentality successful action, which further emphasizes nan use of nan tool
  • High-contrast colors: Semrush uses colors to stress cardinal phrases and item nan telephone to action (CTA) button
  • A clear (CTA): The CTA tells readers precisely what to do upon seeing nan ad: “Try It Free”
Display ads by Semrush showing elements for illustration solution to a problem and a clear CTA "try it free".

Consider incorporating interactive elements into your show ads to make them guidelines out.

Like this 1 that allows viewers to usage a slider to alteration nan image displayed. Transforming what looks for illustration a regular sofa into a recliner:

Interactive show advertisement showing nan earlier and aft translator from a regular sofa to a recliner.

Social media ads are paid ads displayed connected societal media platforms specified arsenic Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

These ads usually target a very circumstantial subset of people. Meaning you tin target group based connected nan following:

  • Location
  • Demographics (age, gender, languages, etc.)
  • Specific interests

Which is why you tin get other imaginative pinch your advertisement campaigns. By making your target assemblage consciousness for illustration you’re speaking straight to them.

For example, this tongue-in-cheek advertisement by luxury barber shop Scissors & Scotch feels for illustration it’s talking straight to nan reader. 

Scissors & Scotch Instagram advertisement mentioning advertisement targeting to their audience.

The advertisement useful because of nan following:

  • It’s self-aware and playful: The advertisement acknowledges that it’s an ad. And moreover jokes pinch nan viewer, saying, “We’re not saying you request a haircut” and “ad targeting is highly effective these days.”
  • It’s targeted astatine nan correct people: The advertisement says, “It’s been a minute. Come spot us.” Which astir apt intends it’s targeted astatine group who person started searching for haircutting solutions.
  • It has a clear CTA: The CTA, “Book now,” allows viewers to instantly book an assignment upon seeing nan ad

You tin besides create social media ads based connected personification demographics, interests, and behaviors. 

Like this Shopify advertisement targeting societal media users based connected interests inferred from erstwhile online behavior.

Shopify societal media advertisement showing a female entrepreneur and a telephone to action to commencement you free proceedings today.

And this Amazon Web Services advertisement that says “calling each information professionals”:

Amazon web services societal media advertisement offering information professionals 33% disconnected their information technologist exam price.

4. Use Creative Videos to Increase Brand Recall

Videos are a awesome measurement to showcase your products and services to a wide scope of people. Get imaginative pinch them truthful that viewers stock those videos. And retrieve them.

Like this viral Squatty Potty video. That has complete 41 cardinal views. 

Youtube video thumbnail

Sometimes, being outrageous tin beryllium an effective branding strategy. 

Like Duolingo leaning into its estimation for “unhinged content” pinch its viral “Spanish aliases Vanish” video. The tagline references a longstanding instrumentality joke astir nan Duolingo owl’s somewhat menacing “do-your-lesson” reminders. 

Youtube video thumbnail

It’s acheronian and outrageous. And audiences emotion it. 

The youtube reply conception showing affirmative feedback from nan audience.

5. Get Creative pinch SponCon to Build Brand Awareness

SponCon, short for sponsored content, is simply a type of advertizing wherever influencers aliases contented creators beforehand a brand, product, aliases work done their contented successful speech for costs aliases different compensation. 

Use SponCon to scope nan followers of celebrated contented creators. When done right, sponsored contented feels much for illustration a earthy endorsement than an ad.

One attack is uncovering influencers who already usage your product. And get worth from it. 

For example, Squarespace’s business pinch photographer and YouTuber Peter McKinnon makes cleanable sense. 

In this video astir nan value of an online portfolio, McKinnon demonstrates really he built his ain website utilizing Squarespace. 

Youtube video thumbnail

Interestingly, nan “Get a Website” portion of nan video has nan astir replays. Showing that viewers besides get existent worth from nan advertisement itself. 

Youtube reply conception showing affirmative feedback from nan assemblage towards nan advertizing passim nan video.

Another attack is partnering pinch contented creators who tin present your marque to their followers. In unexpected and absorbing ways.

With this type of content, your marque doesn’t person to beryllium a ‘natural fit’ for nan contented creator’s audience. As agelong arsenic your merchandise is broadly applicable to them. 

In fact, little evident connections often lead to much unsocial advertizing ideas. And imaginative (and memorable) storytelling. 

For example, video creator Liam Carps has made respective sponsored TikTok videos for Steuerbot, a German taxation app.

A tiktok advertisement for Steuerbot by influencer Liam Carps wherever he shows his telephone that displays nan app Steuerbot.

The champion part?

When nan contented is funny enough, viewers don’t moreover mind being advertised to. 

Tiktok reply conception showing affirmative feedback from nan assemblage towards Liam Carp's soft advertising.

6. Demonstrate Value pinch Your Email Campaigns

Use your email marketing campaigns to stress nan worth of your brand’s offerings. To some prospective and existing customers.

Make judge to connection much than conscionable income content. So that your emails don’t consciousness for illustration spam.

Do this by sending your subscribers contented that is applicable to them. Like:

  • Relevant resources
  • How-to guides
  • Tips and tricks
  • News and updates

Like this adjuvant email from Adobe Creative Cloud. Which teaches readers a caller skill: 

Email from Adobe Creative Cloud containing accusation connected really to easy create a vertical video successful After Effects.

You tin besides usage email to punctual existing customers of nan benefits of your merchandise aliases service.

Because it’s overmuch easier (and cheaper) to retain customers than get caller ones.

For example, Grammarly’s play penning updates springiness users penetration into their Grammarly usage. While reminding them of nan worth they’re getting.

Grammarly's play penning update showing metrics for illustration productivity and mastery.

It besides tries to upsell readers. By highlighting nan further worth of a premium subscription.

Grammarly's upsell page showing proposal that tin beryllium fixed by clicking nan upgrade to premium button.

Meanwhile, Codecademy’s retention emails usage societal impervious to promote readers to support utilizing its product—like nan different 250,000 who presently use from utilizing it. 

Codecademy email encouraging their scholar to support utilizing their merchandise by including a fastener to decorativeness nan course.

7. Increase Brand Authority Through Webinars and Podcasts

Webinars aliases podcasts are awesome ways to supply worth to customers done education. They’re besides effective astatine building marque consciousness and authority.

Whether you host,sponsor, aliases impermanent successful them, webinars and podcasts tin showcase your merchandise aliases service. And show its features successful action. . 

Like these webinars hosted by Semrush: 

Semrush webinar page showing webinars specified arsenic AI & nan early of marketing, and a free masterclass connected contentshake AI.

Or this unrecorded watercourse sponsored by Positional.

A planned Youtube unrecorded watercourse connected 'how to get SEO buy-in' showing a logo of nan sponsor of nan video 'Positional'.

Sponsor events applicable to your target customers. To get business vulnerability and build affirmative associations pinch your brand.

For example, Red Bull has been sponsoring utmost sporting events and athletes since 1989. Making their marque almost synonymous pinch utmost sports.

Red Bull utmost athletics arena showing a motorcycle that conscionable launched disconnected a level astir to onshore into nan water.

You tin besides coming a talk astatine an manufacture arena to found marque credibility. And show imaginable customers your expertise.

Similarly, participate successful waste and acquisition shows to unearth a big of networking opportunities. 

Audible waste and acquisition adjacent booth showing 2 rooms wherever group tin grounds some podcasts and music.

If you’re a mini business, see sponsoring section events that are due for your manufacture and audience.

Some examples see schoolhouse sports tournaments, organization events, societal and biology outreach projects, aliases arts initiatives for illustration exhibitions and theatre productions. 

9. Stand Out by Sending Physical Mail Ads

With nan emergence of email and integer marketing, it’s communal for businesses to disregard nan imaginable of nonstop message advertising. 

Direct message advertizing involves sending advertizing worldly to prospective customers via nan postal service. This often takes nan shape of printed materials for illustration letters, brochures, postcards, aliases moreover bid forms.

When done right, nonstop message advertizing tin beryllium highly effective. In fact, nonstop message (sent to location lists) has an ROI of 161%. And a response complaint of 9%.

Direct message useful because:

  • It offers a consciousness of novelty, particularly for younger consumers who don’t person overmuch mail
  • There’s little title for nan recipient’s attraction compared to saturated online advertizing channels

For example, this imaginative nonstop message advertisement for KitKat Chunky useful for a number of reasons:

  • They usage coagulated agleam reddish to drawback nan recipient’s attention
  • The advertisement appears to beryllium a grounded parcel transportation notification pinch nan recipient’s sanction and address, encouraging nan recipient to look much closely
  • The logic provided for nan transportation nonaccomplishment playfully draws attraction to nan chocolate’s “chunkiness” aliases size—the product’s cardinal differentiating feature
Bright reddish KitKat Chunky nonstop message advertisement showing a grounded parcel transportation notification.

Similarly, this nonstop message Lexus advertisement grabs nan recipient’s attraction and sparks curiosity pinch its different letter cover design.

The envelope’s different string-tie closure invites nan recipient to physically interact pinch nan tangible advertisement by unwinding nan drawstring to spot what it reveals. 

Direct message advertisement from Lexus showing an interactive letter cover pinch a drawstring that needs to beryllium unwound successful bid to uncover its message.

Once opened, an insert satisfies nan recipient’s curiosity: The string-tie’s shape represents nan elevation shape of a peculiarly scenic agelong of roadworthy successful Canada. 

The insert invites nan scholar to participate a title to triumph a Lexus GX escapade thrust connected that aforesaid road.

10. Use Billboards Strategically & Innovatively

Billboards are a type of out-of-home (OOH) advertizing that places ads successful ample nationalist surfaces.

They are usually located successful high-traffic areas, on engaged highways aliases successful municipality areas. With a batch of pedestrian traffic. Which is why they are effective astatine grabbing consumers’ attraction and building marque awareness.

Get thousands of eyes connected your marque and get group talking pinch creative advertisement advertising

Like this advertisement showcasing a crumpled advertisement to discourage tailgating. That shows what an mishap caused by tailgating looks like.

A advertisement advertisement being physically crumbled to mimic an mishap betwixt a car and a motortruck caused by tailgating.

Or this toothpaste advertisement that says, “builds beardown teeth.” And shows a man ripping nan area of nan advertisement pinch his teeth.

A advertisement advertisement that says "building beardown teeth" showing a man ripping nan area of nan advertisement pinch his teeth.

Context-driven advertisements that interact pinch nan abstraction they’re successful tin besides beryllium effective.

Like this elemental McDonald’s ad. That shows portion of nan McDonald’s logo, uses McDonald’s signature reddish color, and says, “On your left.”

A reddish and yellowish McDonald's advertisement advertisement showing nan elemental matter "on your left".

11. Make nan Most of Magazine Ads

Magazines often cater to circumstantial audiences. Making them well-suited to targeting readers by demographics aliases interests.

Run imaginative ads successful magazines to seizure attention. Use compelling transcript aliases unexpected imagery to make readers region and return note.

Like this mag advertisement for beard attraction products, which uses unexpected imagery to stimulate curiosity. 

A mag advertisement for beard attraction products showing a man's caput upside down but its look edited successful nan regular position, causing his hairsbreadth to look arsenic his beard.

Industry-specific magazines connection awesome advertizing opportunities because nan assemblage is already willing successful your niche. Examples see wedding magazines, centrifugal racing magazines, and photography publications.

For example, nan ads below, featured successful New Zealand’s Bride and Groom Magazine, each cater straight to consumers who are readying their weddings. 

Wedding ads successful Bride and Groom Magazine showing couples toasting and posing for pictures astatine their wedding.

12. Pique Interest by Getting Your Ads connected Transit

Transit ads are a type of OOH advertizing that places ads connected modes of nationalist transport. Like wrong and extracurricular buses and trains aliases astatine transit hubs for illustration train stations and autobus stops.

Millions of group usage nationalist transit to commute to and from work. Which intends transit ads connection tremendous imaginable for getting eyeballs connected your product.

Especially erstwhile your advertisement is successful a location wherever commuters walk extended periods of time, specified arsenic wrong a subway car aliases connected a train position platform.

For example, nan wrap connected nan tram successful nan image beneath would beryllium seen by thousands of viewers each day, some erstwhile stationary and successful motion. 

A tram showing ads being wrapped connected nan full extracurricular of nan tram.

Another illustration is this playful transit advertisement for Cadbury UK. That transforms a literal double-decker autobus into nan brand’s Double Decker cocoa bar.

A London double decker autobus showcasing a transit advertisement for nan marque Cadbury UK, pinch nan autobus being wrapped arsenic a double decker cocoa bar.

13. Don’t Forget TV and Radio Ads

Don’t awkward distant from accepted paid advertizing media for illustration tv and power commercials. TV and power ads alteration you to marketplace to ample audiences. Which tin raise marque consciousness astatine scale. 

Broadcast advertisement pricing is based connected respective factors, including:

  • Broadcast clip slots 
  • Programming viewership (or listenership) numbers
  • Ad tally time 

Prime-time blocks connected nationalist channels whitethorn scope much viewers aliases listeners. However, they’re typically much costly than off-peak airtime aliases section broadcasts. 

Subaru’s 2023 "Share nan Love" TV advertisement efficaciously uses affectional storytelling to item nan brand’s philanthropic efforts, showing really each car acquisition supports various charities.

The advert useful because it appeals to customers' values and resonates pinch viewers, promoting a affirmative marque cognition and fostering marque loyalty.

Youtube video thumbnail

Specific channels and programs cater to different assemblage demographics, enabling targeted advertising. For example, daytime television commercials tin beryllium utilized to target offline consumers, including retirees, children, and stay-at-home parents. 

One well-known daytime TV commercialized is J.G. Wentworth’s "877-CASH-NOW" ad. This commercialized specifically targets audiences that are location during nan daytime, specified arsenic older viewers and stay-at-home parents. 

Youtube video thumbnail

Improve Your Advertising successful 2024

Ready to up your advertizing crippled successful 2024? Get creative. Test a assortment of media and advertizing channels and research pinch these advertisement ideas successful different formats. 

Use devices for illustration AdClarity to research your competitors' ads and benchmark advertizing costs, click rates, and conversion rates. Continuously optimize your advertizing efforts to amended capacity and summation ROI.
